About Us
Welcome to Kasia's Royal Rose Boutique~ Where modesty meets elegance!
Kasia’s Royal Rose Boutique is a place where all of God’s beautiful royal daughters can find elegant, modest, chic, and sophisticated classic pieces, that will not only cover you but make you look and feel absolutely beautiful about yourself, as we try bring out the character of Christ in your adorning............
Hello and thanks for visiting us. I'm Kacey and this is my husband Jacob... and we are the owners of KRRB. We both love and believe in living a modest lifestyle because modesty and Holiness goes hand in hand. Anywhere you see one you’ll see the other.
So, we humble ourselves in like manner to be holy and dress modestly daily because we understand the value of the gospel, and we understand how our clothing is a reflection of that incredible truth.

I started this clothing boutique because i am passionate about modesty and I wanted to share my passion with you. But the idea was birthed from my childhood and from the kaceyskorner.net blog years ago. I just wanted to inspire women and young girls to learn to see themselves through God's lens. I wanted them to see their true worth and great value which is far above rubies. Firstly, my husband saw my passion for helping singles navigate through singlehood, and he decided to help me and we founded the Royal Academy For Singles along with the Royal Academy For Single Sisters. We told the Lord we're open and available to be used by Him in this capacity to no end.
Some of the main reasons why I started this shop are...
- Our bodies are the temples of God (1 Corinthain 6:19) and I wanted to help my Kingdom sisters to continue to honor God with their bodies, by simply dressing modestly and walking in complete modesty of heart (1 Timothy 2:9).
- In offering these modest unique pieces, I would love to see more of my sisters get more passionate about dressing modestly; not according to the world's standards, but God's. I also desire to see us all living modestly, talking modestly, and walking modestly in our true regal and royal identity in Christ Jesus... in a more virtuous and fashionable way (Colossians 3:17). I chose examples and characters from the Bible and my life in naming some of these pieces. These women affected my life in many ways and helped me walk and grow in modesty.
- Dressing modestly is the same reason why I waited and walked as a virgin all throughout my singlehood. I waited to have sex with only my husband and the Lord honored my commitment (the benefits are tremendously great to living a holy and modest lifestyle). The same Spirit that drives me to be modest is the same Spirit that guided me to walk in purity of heart...And this is what I desire for you.
- As a little girl I was conceived out of wedlock and was born in severe poverty. My poverty left me not having anything nice or fancy, except I had this one little white dress. It was a second hand-treasure, a 'hand-me-down' from my older sister Shelly. l wore my one little white dress to Sunday school every Sunday mornings for many years. In 1991 I even experienced my personal Pentecost-Acts 2:38, wearing my little white dress... and I was baptized in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ in same dress the next day. That little white dress meant so much to me until one day God impressed it upon my Sunday school teacher's heart, while she was visiting London, to buy me a new dress. She did, and when I received it, I suddenly came under the impression that God is into fashion and nice things. So, one day I was reading in the book of Genesis and read where God designed clothing for Adam and Eve. "The LORD God made fashioned garments from animal skins for Adam and his wife, and clothed them ( Gen 3:21-ISV)." I was astonished to see that God is interested in what I should wear. Between God and my mother a love for modest fashion was born.
~Why Modesty~
Do I believe modesty is important to God today? Yes, I do! For our God never changes. He’s always constant (Malachi 3:6).
Does God still care about us covering up today? Yes, He does and that’s why Paul encouraged us ladies to walk in modest of heart. (1 Peter 3-10).
Ladies, like I mentioned above, God is the very first fashion designer! He clothed Adam and Eve way back in the Garden of Eden centuries ago and today He still wants us to be covered up. That's where Kasia's Royal Rose Boutique comes in to help my sisters to find modest apparels you might not find anywhere else. I also want it to be easier for those of you who might be struggling to find modest clothing. There will also be a lookbook to help you to style any of the pieces. I just want to help you look stylish, fabulous, and classy modest while advancing the Kingdom of God for such a time s as this.
Truth be told, I'm not trying to tell you what to do or what to wear because living for God goes deeper than outward appearance, but the truth is... what is on the inside always reflects the heart and usually manifests or bears fruit on the outside. As godly women, we never want to be a stumbling block for a brother in Christ and those who we need to win for Him by dressing immodestly.
To Promote Modesty In The Kingdom
To help you dress and make you look and feel like the royal women you're called to be. 1 Peter 2:9...It is said that one should dress the way they want to be addressed. Not only that but when you look and feel good about yourself, what you wear can boost your confidence level any day!
Modesty is an attitude of propriety and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior. If we are modest, we do not draw undue attention to ourselves. Instead, we seek to “glorify God in [our] body, and in [our] spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:20; , also 1 Corinthians 6:19).
If we are unsure about whether our dress or grooming is modest, we should ask ourselves, “Would I feel comfortable with my appearance if I were in the Lord's presence?” We might ask ourselves a similar question about our language and behavior: “Would I say these words or participate in these activities if the Lord were present?” Our honest answers to these questions may lead us to make important changes in our lives. Prophets have always counseled us to dress modestly. This counsel is founded on the truth that the human body is God's sacred creation. We must respect our bodies as a gift from God and live a continuous modest lifestyle.
I believe all my sisters can do so in an approach to dressing up more modestly with elegance and sophistication... and you don’t need a fortune to dress like royalty.
~Modesty is like the most beautiful piece of jewely one could possible wear.
It's a great privilege to serve you all.
xo, Kacey